Sunday, March 4, 2012

Leaving Money on the Table

This junk hunting is not an exact science. It pays to know your stuff, but you can't know it all. You hear different kinds of advice such as, "find a niche" or "stick to what you know".

That's hard for me. Sure, I have an in depth knowledge of sports cards, video games and certain toys and their respective values. But I hate knowing when I walk into a junk shop or look at a table full of whatnots at the flea market, there is something of value right in front of me...and I have no idea.

I came across such a mystery item yesterday. Carrie and I were on our way to a thrift store to buy a lot of action figures. We saw an antique shop we had never ventured into before and decided to stop. Low and behold, something caught my eye. $25 was all it would take to purchase something I had never seen before.


Why didn't I listen to the alarm bells going off in my head?! Was I too tired to notice the wow factor?! Why am I such a cheapskate?! Is the moon really made of cheese?! Will I ever win a Nobel Peace Prize if I get the producers of The View to add Judge Judy as a referee?! (I do believe that would bring harmony to the Galaxy).

Anyway, I hope that my mystery item sits collecting dust until the store reopens. If not, I will be well as more jaded by my accursed addiction.

On to the FMF madness! (hopefully more appealing to the eye than last week)

Leather Gun Belt w/Holster - Paid $5, sold for $
Hasbro G.I. Joe MOBAT Tank - Paid $2, sold for $11.61
5 Lot 70s Pepsi DC Superhero glasses - Paid $6.67, sold for $83.58

Here are this weeks humble offering to the eBay gods:

Jurassic Park Re-Ak Attack Dilophosaurus Dino - paid $1.
Vintage Knickerbocker Bean Bag Animals Frog??? (I really have no clue what this is) - paid .50 cents.
Vintage Bakelite Sawyers View-Master - paid $5.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome profit on those glasses! I did want to hang on to them. I love character glasses. A table looks far more appealing when you get to drink out of a glass with a super hero on it. But it makes sense to let them go. Things get broke around here all the time. These treasures with sit safely on a shelf & be gazed at by their new owners.

    This week, I'm going to take a chance and say the bean bag frog will surprise you the most. Got to love vintage Knickerbocker stuff!
